All-in-one platform for Block-Coding
and Artificial Intelligence education
AI Education platform
of the Cubroid

What's Curo AI?
The most effective platform to teach and learn about AI
With Cubroid, you can develop your problem-solving skills by constructing buildings with creative designs and completing various projects while learning AI.

Creative making activities

AI Iearning

Intuitive problem solving
How 'CURO AI' works?

Step1. Model training and learning
Train and learn vaious models using AI learning tools.
Step2. Block-Coding
Design your own project with block-coding.
Step3. Operation of the Cubroid as a result of learning
Dsign creative robots and intuitively check the results of the project.
What can you learn from CURO AI?
From Machine Learning to Artificial Neural Networks!
Experience a total of eight Curo AI-specific learning tools.

1. Machine Learning
With easy and fast AI learning tools, you can operate the results of various trining with Cubroid.

2. Teachable Machine
Various AI learning tools such as image and voice can operate the results of training with Cubroid.

3. Pose
You can understand and utilize pose estimation techiques to operate them with a Cubroid.

4. Arificial Neural Network
You can understand artificial neural network technology and predict results using numerical data.

5. Image Classification
You can use the learned image model to check the results and operate the Cubroid.

6. QR code
You can understand the concepts and principles of QR codes and use data to operate the Cubroid.

7. Face Tracking
The Cubroid can be operated according to the results by tarcking the positions of X and Y on the face.

8. Finger Tracking
You can track the coordinates of the finger position and operate the Cubroid according to the result.
Curo AI Curriculum
From elemntry School to high school,
all ages have fun learning coding and artificial intelligence.

Curo AI App

Curo AI + micro:bit + Husky Lens

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Access the guide directly: Curo AI Web Guide